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It is available to prepare and publish an article based on a paper delivered in the journal “Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society “(“Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego)” (70 points according to the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, IF for 2022 0.3) provided that two positive reviews are received.

The journal accepts articles on a  permanent.

In order to submit and process an article, it is necessary to submit the text directly through the OJS system, for which you must register on the journal’s website and submit the text.
The file must be named with the author’s/author’s name. It is also necessary to include a second file of the text with the data cut out to identify the author – on the title page of the article, in the suggested citation and at the end of the article (author information section).

The submitted text is accepted for processing only if it is adapted to the editorial requirements. The linked documents on this page (e.g. template – guidelines for authors) are only available for download after logging in to the system (

We request you to familiarise yourself with the documentation necessary for the submission of your article:

  1. Guidelines for the authors: doc / pdf
  2. Conflict of interest and contribution of authors statement: doc / pdf
  3. Financial disclosure statement: doc pdf
  4. Copyright agreement: doc / pdf
  5. Paper review form: doc pdf 

and to adhere strictly to the editorial requirements. Formatting details are available here.

We would like to point out that the application of the required formatting significantly shortens the publishing process and is a condition for acceptance for publication. At the same time, we would like to inform you that the review criteria are public and we ask you to analyse and take them into account before submitting your text, which will shorten the preparation time.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Journal Secretaries:
Dr Karolina Smętkiewicz and Dr Monika Noviello

Institute of Law, Economics and Administration of the University of the Commission of National Education, Krakow (Poland)
Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, p.522

PLEASE NOTE: Please do not send articles to the address of the conference secretariat, where conference submissions were sent.